Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Birthday, Belly, and Blast to the Kitchen

I finally found the cord to my camera so I got some pictures of the paintings that everyone who came to Simon's birthday party did for his nursery. The party was so much fun, I mean it. Thank you everyone who came!

I'm really glad that we did it co-ed so that Will could come. I like him. :) He really had a fun time making all the cupcakes. He made 3 batches but only the strawberry ones made it.

Here are the chocolate ones. He forgot one of the main ingredients: flour. Pretty funny. I already told ya'll about how he'll turn up the cooking channel really loud and pretend hes a cheif. Cute.

But no worries. He tried the chocolate cupcakes again a few days ago and we've almost eaten them all by ourselves. Very good.

For the party he made a strawberry cream cheese and blue berry cream cheese fillings. They were a hit.

And speaking of getting hit...our kitchen...no words can describe. You just have to see it, so here it is.

So that's that. At least Will doesn't get the urge to bake when it looks like this.
Last but not least, look how the baby is growing!! Crazy huh? We found out yesterday that he is really scared of the vacuum cleaner. I turned it on and he went crazy. When I turned it off he got quiet for a second and then went crazy again, as if to say "don't ever do that again!" I can't wait to see his little face and figure out his crazy little personality.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Let's see, what's been going on lately? Well, the elections ended on tuesday night and Will, who was the executive director of the Utah County Democrats, was pretty bummed out with the results. Even though UC dems are super conservative, generally BYU professors, and or ex-mission presidents Utah County is not ready for a Democrat.

So, that's that. I spent yesterday tending to my very disheartented honey bunny. I secretly...or not so secretly loved every minute of him being home. We spent the whole day together. He started this and his second job about the time we got marrried so it's been a while since we've spent a whole day together.

And as my reward for putting up with him being gone so much, we got to put up the Christmas tree yesterday. That was fun. Even though I had, of course, the best idea of what the tree should look like (my vision is to the left), I let Will pick out the lights that we put on it. The sparce but huge red, yellow, and orange dangling bulbs make it look like a badly decorated Cinco de Mayo tree. I would never complain, though. I only mention it because I am...grateful...that I am reminded of this random Mexican holiday everytime I pass the tree that should remind me of the birth of Christ...or the many gifts that I hope Will will buy me. :) Convincing, aren't I?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Second Ultrasound

At the beginning of the month we went in for our second ultrasound of Simon Lee. Even though the technician was about 45 mins late taking us in, it was a good appointment. They found all his boy stuff again so he's still a boy. (Good thing because Will and I don't agree on many girl names). Everything looks healthy and normal.

Will and Simon have been playing together. They're really sweet. Will will put his face on my belly and Simon will kick him. Then Will will blow Simon a rasberry and lay his face down again until Simon kicks him again. I think they'll really enjoy each other as playmates.

This ultrasound picture is my favorite because you can see the little shape of his face and his little hand. How cute! I think he has a face shape more like Will than me. I couldn't find a good picture of me when I was a baby but Will's picture to the left looks like Simon's face in the ultrasound picture. My two boys. :)

Will's getting maybe too excited. The other day he tried to convince me that it wouldn't be fair for me to let Simon burp at the dinner table if Will wasn't allowed to. As I was trying to convince him that he is the adult and should have better manners...a burp slipped out of my mouth...at the dinner table: a total accident by the way. I lost my beautiful arguement by burping...which I hardly ever do. How ironic. Will will never let me live that one down.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I keep telling Will that he should follow the blog but he says "I follow you around all day, why do you want me to 'follow' you on there?" I try to explain that when someone 'follows' the blog I just like to assume that they're checking it every couple of hours and that makes me feel good about myself. He doesn't get it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Funny Stuffs...

The other day Will and I were headed out of the apartment to do our duty and clean the church when we saw some kids trying to get their ball out of the tree. Brave ol' Will came to the rescue and threw his shoe at it but not only did he not get the ball down, he also got his shoe stuck. It was just funny to see him walk up all confident like he was going to help these poor kids but they all started laughing at him as he faced the prospect of limping away with only one shoe. One little korean kid even said "Maybe we should call the fire truck". Well, the happy ending of the story is that Will got his shoe back and we didn't have to call the fire truck to get the ball down. Will was a modern day hero.

The baby has been going crazy (and making me crazy, of course) and has started doing cartwheels in my tummy. Will has started feeling him which is fun. Baby and Daddy.
Another thing I just have to add is the baby has good taste in women...Everytime I watch America's Next Top Model (yes, I'm pretty obsessed) or the Tyra Show he goes wild. Tyra Banks, we love you.

Gratefully, the baby seems to be growing well, despite the fact that I don't feel like I eat enough. And even though the more we work in the nursery the more scared we get to have a baby, Will and I are happy.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Simple Things

Well, I have a few random things to report.

1) Will is still working a lot so I've started going to work with him to give us more time together. Here are some pictures of us riding to the fair in Spanish Fork last night where Will had to take down the Utah County Dems booth. He worked even during the ride but we did get some fun time too. I was feeling a little woozie but I'm glad I went. He makes me laugh.

Another cool thing that happened at Will's job was that a girl had a birthday so her friends brought her cupcakes. And I don't know why but they made Will and I under the stars (out of starbursts) on top of two of them. If you look closely, we are holding hands and I'm pregnant. Don't ask me why Will has different colored legs. One girl said the other day that we are "disgustingly cute". :) I can't say that I mind. Plus, we were quite tasty. I guess we've made an impression.

Another random thing: Will and I were called to serve in the nursery at church. Today was (nevermind our 3rd sunday in the ward) our first day. Just the two of us had 13 kids...no kidding...for two hours (followed by the talks we gave in sacrament meeting). I, by the way, have never BEEN in a LDS nursery and Will hasn't really played with kids since he was one. I have to say though, that it went really well and I didn't even know or was worried that that was unusual until the Bishop asked how it went and I got his reaction from it. Will said that it felt like that scene in Saving Private Ryan when Tom Hanks is just sitting there in shock watching people find there missing limbs or get pummelled by stray bullets.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just kidding...Due in January!

We went to the doctor at 4pm to sneek a peak at the baby or babies. Turns out we just have one in there, which I'm glad about because to tell you the truth I was freaking out a bit about twins. Can you blame me? But I'm glad to announce that even though the baby was crossing it's legs to avoid being embarassed, we did find a little something between them. It's a boy! :) Poor little guy, being poked and prodded. I've never felt him move so much. Will even saw a little lump go across my tummy as the little guy fought for space.
The top picture is his little booty, manhood, and two little feet (a bottom view). The second is of his left side: his big head on the left, neck, body and his legs and feet curled up in front of him (he is facing down). Cuuuuuuute.

He will most likely be named Simon. We want all of our kids to have names that give them a role model and we both love Simon Peter. It's a good thing too because we disagree on basically all suggested names. Will likes names like Victor and James. I like names like Christian and Lindon. Any thoughts?

The reason my uterus is so big, evidently, is that I am a week and a half further along than they thought I was. So, I'm due Janurary 30th instead. I'm glad. The sooner the better, right?

It's becoming real to me. Will took the pictures of the ultrasound and e-mailed them to me as he announced to a few people that we're having a boy. It hit me that he means me...there is a baby boy inside of me...a boy who will become a man with thoughts and dreams, loves and convictions. I fell in love with Simon a little bit more today. Will fell in love with him first, but I did more. I'm sure of it.


I was at the doctors office yesterday and the doctor started measuring my uterus (because I think by 15 weeks is suppose to be between your belly button and pelvis) but he got a confused look on his face and went further up on my stomach. He said "Hmm... your uterus is big for your date" Of course, I'm new to this whole pregnancy thing and had no idea what that meant til he said "I wonder if you have twins"!! Whoa! Now, you have to know that the first time Will and I went in to hear the heart beat I asked him to keep looking for another heartbeat: "What about over here, did you check over here?" (I'm annoying, I know. But at least I'm consistant ;) ) So, then he gets the dopplar thingy, finds one heart beat on my right side and goes for the other side. There was ANOTHER heartbeat!! BUT, he said that the second one was different or something, that he could be hearing the heartbeat twice from the one baby (but the baby would have to be big to hear it on both sides of my tummy). He said "I'm not telling you that you have twins, I'm just saying that you shouldn't rule out that possibility. We'll find out for sure when you have your ultrasound in 5 weeks"

5 weeks?...you're kidding right? ...There is no way I'm waiting 5 weeks to find out if I need to double the anxiety I have about this baby. I need to know. Plus, my mother is enough like me that she won't wait either and is paying for the ultrasound that we're going to do in a few HOURS! I can't wait. Will is excited and he only blames me a little bit for praying for twins a while back. I told him that God loves me...I think he's starting to understand just how much.

But still we, especially me, need to remember that we don't know yet and the possibility of having twins is fairly rare. Maybe I'm just a baby making machine so my uterus has plenty of room it, or maybe I have a bajillion pound baby (Will was almost 10 lbs when he was born...ouch!) that is growing fast? We'll let ya'll know though.

I'm so excited.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Starting a blog

Well, Will and I are 13 weeks pregnant and I figure it's about time to start a blog so I can take pictures of the lil' guy. Or girl, but I think it's a boy...we'll see. We find out at 20 weeks and will let ya'll know. woo hoo!

So Will has been working his two jobs so he's been really busy. But even with that he managed to move us in, and the Mangums! He's a hard worker. He's feeling less stressed out with school over. It's good to see him more often. My sickness is getting much better, especially with these new drugs the doc gave me. :)

So, we're doing great and happy to be in provo!

Will and Jess