Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Do you know those dreams you wake up from and feel like you should repent? I had one of those last night. This girl got Simon and me kicked out of the testing center. I was so mad. I cussed at her and we started fighting. She was a runaway convict, after all, so I had every right to hate her. Right?Anyway, I'm totally winning when I see her stomach so I think, "If I can just bite her once on the stomach..." So, I go for it.

I wake up to Will screaming. "Did you BITE me?" I realized that I was dreaming and I must have actually lunged for him as I dreamed of biting this girl. "Yes..?" I said sheepishly. Will got up to see the bite mark in the light. It looked awful. I had to laugh. As far as I know, I don't walk or talk in my sleep. But I bite?

I have to say though, even though I have to put up with Will teasing me about my transformation into a vampire, it is nice having so much of the bed to myself now.