Let's see, what's been going on lately? Well, the elections ended on tuesday night and Will, who was the executive director of the Utah County Democrats, was pretty bummed out with the results. Even though UC dems are super conservative, generally BYU professors, and or ex-mission presidents Utah County is not ready for a Democrat.
So, that's that. I spent yesterday tending to my very disheartented honey bunny. I secretly...or not so secretly loved every minute of him being home. We spent the whole day together. He started this and his second job about the time we got marrried so it's been a while since we've spent a whole day together.
And as my reward for putting up with him being gone so much, we got to put up the Christmas tree yesterday. That was fun. Even though I had, of course, the best idea of what the tree should look like (my vision is to the left), I let Will pick out the lights that we put on it. The sparce but huge red, yellow, and orange dangling bulbs make it look like a badly decorated Cinco de Mayo tree. I would never complain, though. I only mention it because I am...grateful...that I am reminded of this random Mexican holiday everytime I pass the tree that should remind me of the birth of Christ...or the many gifts that I hope Will will buy me. :) Convincing, aren't I?
When I find my camera cord, I'll actually put up real pictures.