Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just kidding...Due in January!

We went to the doctor at 4pm to sneek a peak at the baby or babies. Turns out we just have one in there, which I'm glad about because to tell you the truth I was freaking out a bit about twins. Can you blame me? But I'm glad to announce that even though the baby was crossing it's legs to avoid being embarassed, we did find a little something between them. It's a boy! :) Poor little guy, being poked and prodded. I've never felt him move so much. Will even saw a little lump go across my tummy as the little guy fought for space.
The top picture is his little booty, manhood, and two little feet (a bottom view). The second is of his left side: his big head on the left, neck, body and his legs and feet curled up in front of him (he is facing down). Cuuuuuuute.

He will most likely be named Simon. We want all of our kids to have names that give them a role model and we both love Simon Peter. It's a good thing too because we disagree on basically all suggested names. Will likes names like Victor and James. I like names like Christian and Lindon. Any thoughts?

The reason my uterus is so big, evidently, is that I am a week and a half further along than they thought I was. So, I'm due Janurary 30th instead. I'm glad. The sooner the better, right?

It's becoming real to me. Will took the pictures of the ultrasound and e-mailed them to me as he announced to a few people that we're having a boy. It hit me that he means me...there is a baby boy inside of me...a boy who will become a man with thoughts and dreams, loves and convictions. I fell in love with Simon a little bit more today. Will fell in love with him first, but I did more. I'm sure of it.


  1. Ah, we loved the name Simon! John almost convinced me to use it but he had to consider Linus in the bargin so it didn't make it :) We never really intented to end up with all scripture names but when we went to name the boys we also wanted names that meant something.
    PS good luck getting your doctor to change your due date...they probably won't do that for a 20 week ultrasound since the ultrasounds are less accurate at 20 weeks for growth. I am suprised he didn't do one at 8 weeks. That is standard...however, you can still go into labor in Jan :)

  2. aw, jess! a cute baby boy! i'm excited for you :)
