Well, I have a few random things to report.
1) Will is still working a lot so I've started going to work with him to give us more time together. Here are some pictures of us riding to the fair in Spanish Fork last night where Will had to take down the Utah County Dems booth. He worked even during the ride but we did get some fun time too. I was feeling a little woozie but I'm glad I went. He makes me laugh.
Another cool thing that happened at Will's job was that a girl had a birthday so her friends brought her cupcakes. And I don't know why but they made Will and I under the stars (out of starbursts) on top of two of them. If you look closely, we are holding hands and I'm pregnant. Don't ask me why Will has different colored legs. One girl said the other day that we are "disgustingly cute". :) I can't say that I mind. Plus, we were quite tasty. I guess we've made an impression.
Another random thing: Will and I were called to serve in the nursery at church. Today was (nevermind our 3rd sunday in the ward) our first day. Just the two of us had 13 kids...no kidding...for two hours (followed by the talks we gave in sacrament meeting). I, by the way, have never BEEN in a LDS nursery and Will hasn't really played with kids since he was one. I have to say though, that it went really well and I didn't even know or was worried that that was unusual until the Bishop asked how it went and I got his reaction from it. Will said that it felt like that scene in Saving Private Ryan when Tom Hanks is just sitting there in shock watching people find there missing limbs or get pummelled by stray bullets.