For my little sisters wedding, we went to Austin for a week to spend time with our families and help with the wedding. We had a really nice time.
Will really wanted to take Simon to the Zoo. I'm glad too because Simon really loves animals.
Some of the animals we were really excited to show him but he couldn't get past looking at the gate around them.
But he loved the fish and the birds.
Will was so excited to show him everything. It was like 110 degrees out on the day that we went. We could feel it and so could the animals.
The thing I was really excited to see was the giraffe...but a zoo worker told us that their giraffe died a few months before. That's no surprise in that heat but what the heck?
Will wanted to see bears but there were signs saying that because the bears were old, they got to go inside where it wasn't so hot. So, we didn't see some of the things we wanted to. :( Bummer. But overall, it was a great trip.
Simon was really happy about it.